

Get an insider look at Martha’s Table through our blog, featuring stories written by our team, partners, and families!


Video: Martha’s Table featuring Ms. Louise!

“Feeding Hope on Main Street: Martha’s Table” from Tom Lyons on Vimeo.

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Martha’s Table in the News

The Washington Post featured Martha’s Table in their discussion about how charities are affected by and coping with the consequences of the economic downturn.

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Martha’s Table in the News

Martha’s Table staff has been featured in a few articles recently. Check out the following links.

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Neighborhood Braves blizzards to help Martha’s Table stay open

Martha’s Table stayed open during the historic blizzards that shut the city down last week due to the committed efforts of many people. We are grateful to them all.

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“Do you grow pizza here?”

Martha’s Table’s Elementary program’s kids have been a part of Share Our Strength’s Operation Frontline. The article explains…

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Teen Program Space Gets a Face Lift

Today, the Teen Program began a 2 day painting project to bring in the New Year with a fresh new look. They chose the colors and design, and are now hard at work making over the space. Finished product coming soon!

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