
Keeping Classrooms Connected in the Time of Coronavirus

Keeping Classrooms Connected in the Time of Coronavirus

Right now, we’re living in an unfamiliar time, forced to deviate from our daily routines. While each of us is doing the best we can, no one has shined more than our educators.

Although COVID-19 has changed everything about how teachers are able to deliver their lessons to their students, our teachers haven’t missed a beat.

“If you’re a teacher, you’re never prepared to be without your students for a long period of time” Says Beatriz Barros, Director of The Maycroft.

Beatriz is not alone in her sentiment. Teachers across both our Maycroft and Commons locations share this same notion. Teachers like Sequoya Pollard have continued to support their students despite the challenges of moving to a distance learning model so abruptly.

For Sequoya, she misses her students. Being an MT teacher for 12 years, she’s never encountered this type of teaching assignment.

It’s different from anything she’s ever encountered. When Sequoya is not leading digital lessons twice a week, she’s also volunteering her time to MT’s relief efforts at the Maycroft, distributing groceries to the community.

It is this type of dedication that allows our students, families, and communities to thrive despite challenges beyond our control. We can’t say enough about how your work through this pandemic shapes the futures of our young ones.


“This is pushing me to be more creative with my lessons. Finding ways to engage with the children, using materials they have at home to incorporate into lessons.
This has also pushed me to be more tech-savvy, teaching myself the new tech capabilities like Zoom.”
-Sequoya Pollard

Thank you not only to our educators but all educators around the world who continue to give their all everyday.

1 New comments

Niyea | Reply

Good job mommy keep up the good work.

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