
Martha’s Table Community Impact Fund

For more than 40 years, Martha’s Table has worked to support strong children, strong families, and strong communities in DC so that every Washingtonian can stay and thrive.

Knowing that one’s neighborhood influences access to resources, we are doubling down on our investment in the communities we stand alongside.

We also believe that our neighbors know best what their communities want and need to thrive. In 2021, over 1,000 neighbors shaped Martha’s Table’s 5-Year Strategic Plan. What we heard loud and clear from them is the need for direct investments to help grassroots organizations build capacity.

 Community Impact Fund

In response, we are proud to launch the Community Impact Fund at The Greater Washington Community Foundation. Through this fund, we will support and strengthen grassroots organizations in Ward 8 that have been historically excluded from institutional philanthropy and whose leadership and staff reflect the demographic composition and lived experiences of the communities they serve.


Volunteer to Serve on the Review Committee

Martha’s Table work is continually informed by the expertise and voice of the neighbors we stand alongside. We are seeking Ward 8 residents to serve on the Review Committee.

We hope the committee will reflect the diversity of neighbors and a variety of lived experiences including parents, seasoned citizens, returning citizens, young adults, members of the LGBTQIA community, and those living with a disability.

Reviewers will contribute the benefits of their life experience, diverse outlooks, and local knowledge to the selection process. They will be committed to objectively reviewing applications to ensure that grantees are selected fairly and consistently.

  • What is the Martha’s Table Community Impact Fund?

    The Martha’s Table Community Impact Fund is a grant program to support and strengthen Ward 8 nonprofits. This direct investment will help build capacity for organizations historically excluded from institutional philanthropy and whose leadership and staff reflect the demographic composition and lived experiences of the communities they serve.

  • How many grants are available and what are the grant amounts?

    Up to 10 unrestricted, two-year general operating grants will be awarded once a year. Each grant will be a maximum of $15,000 per year, for a total of up to $30,000. The funds can be used to support various activities, including targeted initiatives and/or unrestricted capacity-building.

    Martha’s Table has a particular interest in projects that alight with our organizational priorities, including:

    • Economic Mobility
    • Quality Early Childhood Education
    • Youth Development
    • Health & Wellness
    • Mental & Emotional Wellness
  • What can the grant funding be used for?

    Grant funding can be used to support a wide range of mission-focused activities, from supporting specific, targeted initiatives to unrestricted use for capacity-building with a particular interest in projects that:

    • Pilot new and innovative solutions to community challenges
    • Build or enhance organizational infrastructure (for example: business and fiscal management)
    • Improve or expand program operations and outcomes (for example: increase program enrollment
  • What are the eligibility requirements to apply for a grant?

    To be eligible, applicants must:

    • Be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or operate under the fiscal sponsorship of a tax-exempt nonprofit AND status must be in good standing by having filed a form 990 or 990N in the last three years. 
    • Be based in, or primarily serve, Ward 8 as defined by the 2022 Ward boundaries map for at least one year.
    • Have an annual operating budget of less than $1,000,000.
    • Not be listed on the OFAC Sanctions List or be a registered hate group with the Southern Poverty Law Center

    If you do not meet the eligibility criteria at this time, please be advised that Martha’s Table has other training and technical assistance programs that your organization may qualify for.

    Please contact Charles Gussom at cgussom@marthastable.org for more information.

  • What is the application deadline?

    Applicants must submit a proposal via The Greater Washington Community Foundation’s online application system by 5:00 p.m. on August 12, 2024.

    Applicants will be notified of funding decisions by October 2024.

    Learn more, here.

  • How will MT ensure the proposal review and grant recipient selection process remain fair and equitable?

    MT has taken multiple steps to ensure the proposal review and grant recipient selection process remains fair and equitable.

    • A neutral third party — the Greater Washington Community Foundation — is managing the application and review process, as well as distributing grant funds.
    • Proposals will be reviewed by a Review Committee of volunteers who live and/or work primarily in Ward 8. All members will sign confidentiality agreements and disclose any potential conflicts of interest. All members are required to attend bias training.
    • Proposals will be evaluated under a blind review (reviewers will not know the name of the organization applying), and each proposal will be evaluated by multiple reviewers to reduce the potential for bias.
    • At no time in the application or review process are Martha’s Table staff or Board members involved in proposal evaluation or grant decision-making.
  • Who will review the applications and select the grant recipients?

    A Review Committee of volunteers who live and/or work primarily in Ward 8 will conduct a blind review and scoring of proposals. It is our hope that the reviewers will reflect the diversity of our neighbors including but not limited to parents, seasoned citizens, returning citizens, young adults, members of the LGBTQIA community, and those living with a disability.

  • I’m interested in serving on the Review Committee. What are the eligibility requirements, volunteer expectations, and compensation?

    To serve on the Review Committee, an individual must:

    • Live and/or work primarily in Ward 8 
    • Commit to approximately 10 hours of training 
    • Disclose any conflicts of interest and sign a confidentiality agreement
    • Not be on the current staff or Board member of Martha’s Table or an applying organization

    Review Committee members will receive a $500 stipend for their time and service. 

  • I’m having trouble accessing or have questions about the application portal. Who do I contact?

    For questions or help regarding the online application system, please contact Ben Murphy, at bmurphy@thecommunityfoundation.org

  • I have a general question about the funding opportunity or application requirements. Who do I contact?

    For questions regarding the Community Impact Fund grants, application requirements, or Review Committee, please contact Charles Gussom at cgussom@marthastable.org.

  • I need access to a computer, software, and/or the internet in order to complete a grant application. What should I do?

    Please email Charles Gussom at cgussom@marthastable.org to schedule a day and time to use a computer and internet at Martha’s Table location at The Commons (2375 Elvans Road SE Washington, DC 20020.
