

Martha's Table In The News


Highlighting the Corporations who Stepped up in 2009

No, Virginia, 2009 was not a great year for corporate philanthropy. The $10,000 and $25,000 gifts that once arrived almost like clockwork at local nonprofits came this year in denominations of half that size, if they came at all.

Learn More on The Washington Post

Kids Taste A Sweeter Veggie, White House Style

If you didn’t know that spinach tastes sweeter when it’s grown in cool temperatures, it’s likely you haven’t been digging around in a winter garden. The White House has just planted a slew of cold-weather vegetables, and a group of students from an after-school cooking class in Washington, D.C., were among the first to visit.

Learn More on NPR

Obama Hands out Pumpkin Pies at Martha’s Table

President Barack Obama handed out Thanksgiving meal supplies to needy families on Wednesday afternoon at Martha’s Table, a soup kitchen in Northwest Washington, D.C. Obama was joined by First Lady Michelle Obama, their daughters Sasha and Malia, First Grandmother Marian Robinson, and his half-sister Maya Soetoro-Ng and her family.

Learn More on The Hill

First Family Passes Out Turkeys at Martha’s Table

The Obama family passed out turkeys, stuffing and other Thanksgiving favorites to people at a food pantry organization.

Learn More on MSNBC

Raw Video: Obama Distributes Thanksgiving Treats

President Barack Obama and his family tucked turkeys, stuffing and other goodies into people’s bags at Martha’s Table in downtown Washington on Wednesday evening and wished them a happy holiday.

Learn More on The Washington Post

With Pardon, Obama delivers turkeys from its fate as food

A big bird from the East is heading west, thanks to a second chance at life given by President Obama in the nation’s capital Wednesday, a day before Americans sit down to Thanksgiving dinner.

Learn More on CNN
