Shop at Martha’s Outfitters
January 07, 2025
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Martha’s Outfitters
Martha’s Outfitters is an innovative community store focused on supporting families. Through a monthly credit program, Outfitters patrons shop at no cost.
Becoming a member is easy! Prospective members must visit Martha’s Outfitters and bring a photo ID and verification of the child’s age (E.g., a birth certificate, medical insurance card, or official document showing the child’s date of birth).
Our patrons can choose from clothing for babies and kids to smart casual and business clothing for adults. Shopping is open to our program members. The boutique does not accept cash.
As a community store, Martha’s Outfitters relies on the contributions of donors and volunteers to ensure our patrons have access to clothing needed to support strong families.
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