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Something for Everyone at Martha’s Table

This #GivingTuesday, support Martha’s Table as we uplift our many programs that provide ‘Something For Everyone At The Table!’ Your impact is doubled this year thanks to $50,000 in matching funds to help every #GivingTuesday gift go even further!

Did you know that your #GivingTuesday gift helps fuel the purpose, power, and possibility of our work at Martha’s Table? When caring people like you join us at the table, we can ensure that every D.C. neighbor is able to not just get by…but THRIVE. 

Your gift will support strong children, strong families, and strong communities in Washington, D.C., with healthy food, quality education, emotional wellness programming, and family resources this holiday season.

You will bring out the best in our community, helping provide:

  • No-cost groceries and clothing to help offset other household costs
  • Emotional wellness programs for the whole family
  • Access to group counseling sessions for anxiety, substance abuse, trauma, and more
  • In-person community wellness events where strangers become neighbors
  • Enriching parent engagement classes for mother and father figures in our community
  • Warm nightly meals so neighbors experiencing hunger don’t have to worry where their next hot meal will come from
  • and so much more!

Purpose. Power. Possibility. Apple Martha's Table by The Numbers

January - November 2023

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children learning and growing in our early education programs
bags of fresh fruits, vegetables, and shelf-stable items shared with families visiting our healthy markets


D.C. neighbors supported with critical emotional and physical wellness programming

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fresh meals provided through McKenna's Wagon to neighbors experiencing hunger or housing insecurity


Teenagers in our neighborhood embarking on transformational travel and learning opportunities through our new Global Passport Program
families supported with no-cost clothing each month

To make a gift by mail, send your check made payable to Martha’s Table to:

P.O. Box 70970, Washington, D.C. 20024


To make a credit card donation by phone, please call during regular business hours at:



To learn more about other ways to give, including stock, workplace, and planned/estate giving.

Ways to Give
