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Support Martha’s Table’s 2024 Community Harvest Dinner.

Martha’s Table’s annual Community Harvest Dinner distributes 1,000 warm meals to our neighbors, celebrating ahead of the cold winter season.

As the season of gratitude approaches, Martha’s Table is thrilled to welcome the community to its Community Harvest Dinner. This event, steeped in tradition, embodies the Martha’s Table’s commitment to fostering connections, celebrating community, and sharing in the season’s joy.  It’s where both familiar and new neighbors come together, breaking bread and barriers alike, highlighting the power of community collaboration and the magic of shared moments.

Your gift will provide a DC neighbor with a warm meal during the chilly months ahead!

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Your Gift Impacts Our Community Apple Martha's Table by The Numbers

January - December 2023

0 +

children learning and growing in our early education programs
pounds of fresh fruits, vegetables, and shelf-stable items shared with families visiting our healthy markets


dollars invested in non-profit organizations serving Ward 8 communities East of the Anacostia River


fresh meals provided through McKenna's Wagon to neighbors experiencing hunger or housing insecurity

0 million

healthy meals provided to families through our markets
families supported with no-cost clothing each month

To make a gift by mail, send your check made payable to Martha’s Table to:

P.O. Box 70970, Washington, D.C. 20024


To make a credit card donation by phone, please call during regular business hours (9am EST – 5pm EST) at:



To learn more about other ways to give, including stock, wire transfer, DAF, workplace, and planned/estate giving.

Ways to Give
